What does “made in the image of God” mean?

Discussion question for February 4, 2011.

God created male and female in His image.  What characteristics or components of man make up that image?  How does this affect your life?  What impact does it have on a non-believer, or someone that has actively rejected God?  How do you demonstrate this image of God in your life?

One Comment

  1. Calvin Tadema says:

    Here’s my summary of our discussion.

    It is necessary to consider the characteristics of God such as His personality, ability, desires, traits and feelings because God is a spiritual being and so physical imagery is limited.

    There is a progression of creation from living things to those exercising free will. Plants and trees were created before the animals, which were more volitional. Man was created after animals, and is more volitional than they. This represents God’s free will and that we are created with free will as well.

    God has authority over all things, and gave dominion to Adam and Eve over every living thing – in His image. God is triune, always existing in relationship; man is also created for relationship. God glorifies Himself (in Three Persons), and we are created to glorify Him as well.

    Being created in God’s image is not a choice, it is a fact. We often speak of lovely or impressive things as being in the image of God, but Adolph Hitler was also created in His image. It is the sinful nature of man using the power and dominion of God’s image that created such a tragic history.

    Since God is powerful, we too are powerful. That power can be used to bring Him glory, and we can be operating in teamwork with Him. Alternatively, that power can be corrupted by sin and do huge harm to others. It is a great responsibility to be created in the image of God.

    We are called to be imitators of God (Ephesians 5:1) and reflect a true picture of Him. If we do not, then we are rebelling against God. The evil one uses our rebellion to wage war against righteousness. We must be on our guard so we do not become unwitting agents for evil.

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